Synonym for the Syrah grape variety, see there.
The red grape variety originates from France. There are over 80 synonyms that testify to its great age and worldwide distribution. The most important from a historical perspective are Hermitage, Shiraz (Australia), Candive, Marsanne Noir, Marsanne Noire, Petite Sirrah, Petite Syrah, Scyras, Sérène, Serine, Sira, Sirac, Sirah, Syra, Syrac (France); Balsamina, Neiretta Cunese, Neiretta del Monregalese, Neiretta del Rosso, Neiretta di Saluzzo, Zagarese (Italy); Neretto del Beinale (Spain); Shiraz (South Africa); Zizak (Montenegro). Despite seemingly suggestive synonyms or morphological similarities, it should not be confused with the varieties Dureza, Durif (Petite Sirah), Mondeuse Noire, Persan (Sérine), Serina e Zeze or Shesh i Zi. The confusing and extremely complicated history of confusion between the three varieties Durif, Peloursin and Syrah in California in connection with the name Petite Si(y)rah is described in detail under the keyword Durif.
There are many hypotheses about the origin. According to the most common one, the variety originated in the ancient city of Shiraz (Shiraz) in modern-day Iran (Persia). Incidentally, the famous Persian poet Hafiz (1324-1388) also came from this city. It is said to have been brought to France from there by the French crusader Gaspard de Sterimberg around 1225. According to another, it is a descendant of the ancient Allobrogica grape variety mentioned by Pliny the Elder (23-79) and Columella (1st half of the 1st century). The former also described a "black Aminea" from Syria, which was also assumed to be an ancestor. The Greek island of Syra in the Cyclades, the city of Syracuse in Sicily and Albania are also mentioned as...
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Egon Mark
Diplom-Sommelier, Weinakademiker und Weinberater, Volders (Österreich)