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Term (ancient Greek trópoi hēliou = solstice areas) for the geographical area between the two tropics of Cancer at plus 23° and 27' north latitude and Capricorn at minus 23° and 27' south latitude, where the sun is at its zenith at noon on the respective solstice. The subtropics follow polewards.

Karte der tropischen Klimazonen der Erde


Countries (or parts of countries) belonging to the tropics or periphery are Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, India, Indonesia (on Bali), Cape Verde, Kenya, Colombia, Cuba, Laos, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, the Philippines, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Tahiti (Rangiroa), Thailand, Uganda and Venezuela in Zimbabwe. In some countries there are two harvests a year (Brazil, India, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, Tahiti, Uganda, Venezuela), in some even three (Ecuador, Indonesia). The term New Latitude Wines, first used in 2003, applies to some of these countries.

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Andreas Essl
Autor, Modena

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