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Commercial viticulture is practised to varying degrees in around 120 of the world's 193 countries (status 2024). In many of them, there are also vineyards for the production of table grapes , sultanas, spirits, grape juice or RCGM (rectified grape must concentrate). In some countries, viticulture is of little or no importance, but grapes are grown for these products. The vast majority of vineyards are located between 40 and 50 degrees north latitude and 30 and 40 degrees south latitude (the two vine belts).

Rebengürtel - Weltkarte mit Weinbaugebieten

Continents and geographical areas

Lists of all wine-growing countries can be found under the relevant continents or geographical areas. These are Africa, America, Equator, Asia, Europe, European Union, New World, Oceania, South America, Tropics and USA, as well as all countries under wine production volumes (vineyard areas and wine volumes).

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Prof. Dr. Walter Kutscher

In the past, you needed a wealth of encyclopaedias and specialist literature to keep up to date in your vinophile professional life. Today, Wine lexicon from wein.plus is one of my best helpers and can rightly be called the "bible of wine knowledge".

Prof. Dr. Walter Kutscher
Lehrgangsleiter Sommelierausbildung WIFI-Wien

The world's largest Lexicon of wine terms.

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made with by our author Norbert F. J. Tischelmayer. About the Lexicon