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Term (also viticulture) for all activities from the vineyard to the wine cellar for the purpose of producing wine. The technical measures in the cellar from pressing to bottling, on the other hand, are usually referred to as vinification. The historical development can be found under the keywords ancient wines, ancient grape varieties and drinking culture. Oenology encompasses the science of wine and winemaking; one sub-area is ampelography (vine science). See also under the keywords wine production volumes (wine volumes and vineyards in all countries), grape variety (the top 150) and grapevine (complete list of all terms relevant to grape varieties).

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Roman Horvath MW

wein.plus is a handy, efficient guide to a quick overview of the colourful world of wines, winegrowers and grape varieties. In Wine lexicon, the most comprehensive of its kind in the world, you will find around 26,000 keywords on the subject of grape varieties, wineries, wine-growing regions and much more.

Roman Horvath MW
Domäne Wachau (Wachau)

The world's largest Lexicon of wine terms.

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