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The red grape variety is a new variety between Tannat x Cabernet Sauvignon. According to DNA analyses last carried out in 2013, the breeding list entry Merlot x Petit Verdot turned out to be incorrect. The cross was made on behalf of INRA in 1956 by Pierre Marcel Durquéty (1923-2016) in France with the support of the University of Montpellier. Incidentally, the same parents also gave rise to the Ekigaïna variety. This late-ripening vine is resistant to botrytis, drought and water stress. It produces alcohol-rich, deep, dark red wines with mild tannins and herbal flavours. The variety is cultivated in France in the Languedoc-Roussillon region on 145 hectares. There are also other vineyards in Switzerland (1 hectare), as well as overseas in Argentina (1 hectare), Brazil (2 hectares), Chile (2 hectares), Canada (289 hectares) and Uruguay (45 hectares). In 2016, a total of 486 hectares of vineyards were reported with a strong upward trend (Kym Anderson statistics).

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