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A common toast in Romania (Engl. happiness); another is Sãnãtate (Engl. health). For other countries, see toasts.

In almost every language there are toasts that are used when drinking alcoholic beverages or toasting. The most common wish is for health and general well-being. The so-called drinking in is an ancient custom, since there are people and alcohol. In quite a few toasts, the consumption of excessive alcohol is also described as unproblematic and positive. Therefore the reference is permitted: Alcohol is an excellent solvent. It dissolves families, marriages, friendships, work relationships, bank accounts, liver and brain cells. It just does not solve problems. But this should not in any way call into question a moderate enjoyment of wine.

Trinksprüche - Sektgläser mit Sprüchen, Schriftrolle mit Spruch

Sayings & Rhymes

To the middle, to the tit, to the sack, chop chop. On that note - off to the gutter.

We wish all women that they are surrounded only by beautiful, exotic animals. That they have a jaguar in the garage, a tiger in bed, a sable around their shoulders and above all a donkey that can pay for everything (Russian source).

Man drinks it, the horse drinks it, but sometimes it is the other way round.

Drinking, smoking, kissing, yelling, riding motorcycles and overtaking,
whether early or later, you will be with Peter in the ether.

With stiff arm to the stiff middle, according to old custom and fathers custom

Toasts of all countries



Egypt Bisochtak, Fairy sihetak
Albania Gëzuar (cheers)
Arabia Ya salam (peace), Fisehatak (to health)
Armenia Genatset (to life)
Azerbaijan Afiyæt oslun
Australia Cheers
Bolivia Salud (health), Salud y amor y tiempo para disfrutarlo
(Health and love and time to enjoy)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Živjeli (Live, to life)
Brazil Saúde (health), Viva (life)
Brittany Yeched mad (Breton: to the good)
Bulgaria Nasdrawe (to health)
Wino sladko - garlo gladko (sweet wine - flow in)
China and Taiwan

干杯 Gānbēi (dry/empty glass), Yung sing (drink and win)
Kong Chien, Nien Nien

Costa Rica Pura Vida (meaning: to eternal life)
Denmark Skål (cheers), Bunden in vejret or rest in håret
(Empty or the rest in the hair)
Germany Health, get away / And away (with schnapps), for the good
Hop, hop, hop, Schobbe in de Kopp (Palatinate)
Don't snap for long - head in 'n neck (Northern Germany)

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