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The red grape variety is a new breed between Blue Portuguese x Pinot Noir (Pinot Noir), which was confirmed according to DNA analyses conducted in 2021. Synonyms are Geilweilerhof 4-25-7 and Rotspechter. The crossing took place in 1927 by the breeders Peter Morio (1887-1960) at the grape breeding institute Geilweilerhof in Siebeldingen-Pfalz. Here it was further processed and selected by Dr. Bernhard Husfeld (1900-1970) in the 1950s. The varietal protection was granted in 1974. The variety was a crossing partner in the new breed Calandro.

Domina - grape and leaf

The medium ripening grape varieties, high-yielding vine has a medium Botrytis-resistance and tends to stem necrosis. However, it is well resistant to chlorosis, viruses, shatter, and frost. The variety produces red wines similar to Pinot Noir, but somewhat acidic, extract-rich red wines with aromas of raspberries and cherries. The cultivation area in Germany amounts to 366 hectares. There are also small stocks in Switzerland (0.1 ha) and Hungary (0.6 ha). In 2016, a total of 375 hectares of vineyard area were reported (Statistics Kym Anderson).

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