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Synonym for the grape variety Furmint; see there.

The white grape variety originates from Hungary. The etymology of the name is unknown despite many different hypotheses. There are 145 synonyms that testify to the vine's great age and wide distribution. The most important, grouped alphabetically by country, are Malvasia Verde (Brazil); Allgemeiner, Edelweißer Tokayer, Gelber Moster, Keltertraube, Vorzügliche Johannistraube, Weißer Landstock, Zapfner, Zopfner (Germany); Furmint Blanc, Sauvignon Vert, Tokay (France); Furmint Bianco, Furmint Giallo (Italy); Moslavac, Moslavac Bijeli, Pošipel, Pošipon, Sipelj, Šipon (Croatia); Luttenberger, Mehlweiß, Mosler, Seestock, Seeweinbeere, Weißlaber, Weißlabler, Weißlauber (Austria); Som (Romania); Šipon (Slovenia); Tokaisky (former USSR); Arany Furmint, Beregi Furmint, Bihari Boros, Budai Gohér, Csillagviraga Furmint, Demjen, Domjen, Fehér Furmint, Gorin, Holyagos Furmint, Kereszteslevelue Furmint, Lazafürtü Furmint, Szigeti, Valtozó Furmint (Hungary).

Furmint - Weintraube und Blatt

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