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single vineyard in the municipality of Siebeldingen (Südliche Weinstraße area) in the German wine-growing region of Pfalz. The south-facing vineyards at an altitude of 160 to 225 metres above sea level with a slope of 5 to 20% cover around 100 hectares of vineyards. The soils, which are quite varied due to their size, consist of weathered limestone, gravel, red sandstone, sand, loam and clayey limestone marl. Only a few parcels can be considered particularly privileged. Before the land consolidation in 1971, individual areas of the site were known by different names depending on the grape varieties cultivated. All vineyards of the old site "Siebeldinger Ganshorn" (Ganz Horn) disappeared with the change in wine law in 1971 and became "Im Sonnenschein". The privileged Riesling parcel on gravel, loam, sand and red sandstone is the Ganz Horn vineyard, which is now classified as a cadastral site. The area with the two varieties Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir) and Weißburgunder (Pinot Balnc) on predominantly shell limestone soil used to be called "Siebeldinger Berg". Shares in the site are held, for example, by the Feitig-Richter, Gies-Düppel, Ökonomierat Rebholz, Schneider Eugen and SieneR - Wettstein vineyards.

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Hans-Georg Schwarz
Ehrenobmann der Domäne Wachau (Wachau)

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