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The red grape variety is an interspecific new variety between Gamaret x Bronner. It was named after the Swiss national hero Divico (130-58 BC) who, as leader of the Helvetic tribe of the Tigurines against the Romans, won the battle of Agen in 107 BC and negotiated with Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) in his old age. Genes of Vitis amurensis, Vitis lincecumii, Vitis rupestris and Vitis vinifera are contained. The hybrid was crossed in 1997 in Switzerland at the Changins Institute by the breeder Jean-Laurent Spring. Incidentally, the same parents also produced the white variety Divona. The late-maturing PIWI variety is extremely resistant to various fungal diseases such as powdery and downy mildew as well as grey rot (botrytis). It produces colourful, tannin-rich red wines. The variety is mainly cultivated in the canton of Geneva (5 ha). In 2016, a total of 10 hectares of vines were recorded in Switzerland (Kym Anderson).

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Ehrenobmann der Domäne Wachau (Wachau)

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