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The semi-presidential federal republic of Russia (Russian Российская Федерация, Rossiyskaya Federatsiya) in Eastern Europe (3,952,550 km²) and Northern Asia (13,122,850 km²) with the capital Moscow covers 17,074,636 km². Despite the break-up of the former USSR into many states in 1991, Russia is still the largest country in the world. However, the situation in viticulture has changed enormously as a result of this event. In Europe, Russia borders Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus and the Ukraine. In Asia, these are Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. In March 2014, the controversial annexation of the Crimean peninsula (Ukraine) took place, which is regarded as an independent federal district.

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Hans-Georg Schwarz
Ehrenobmann der Domäne Wachau (Wachau)

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