The wine-growing region is located in the state of Baden-Württemberg in Germany. The vineyards cover 11,461 hectares of vines, stretching between Lake Constance and the Tauber valley below Rothenburg (Taubergrund). The geographical and climatic conditions are characterised by many river valleys. The tributaries Rems, Enz, Kocher and Jagst flow into the Neckar along its very winding course. Many south-facing slopes with widely spaced vineyards lie along the banks of the river.
In summer, there is enough sunshine to give red wines strength and colour. Two thirds of the vineyards are on steep slopes. Heilbronn is the wine capital of Württemberg and to a certain extent also of Germany, as the DLG (German Agricultural Society) competition is held here every year. Weinsberg is home to a training and research centre for vine breeding, where August Herold (1902-1973) created successful new varieties such as Dornfelder, Cabernet Cubin, Cabernet Dorio and Cabernet Dorsa.
The soils are characterised by Keuper formations and, along the middle Neckar, by shell limestone islands. The climate is continental with hot summers, sunny autumns and frosty winters. The favourable microclimate along the Neckar and the shell limestone and Keuper soils are particularly suitable for red wines.
The growing region consists of six areas with 17 large vineyards and 207 individual vineyards. The Kocher-Jagst-Tauber area, named after three rivers, is located in the north and is the only one that specialises in white wines. It is divided into the two large vineyards Kocherberg and Tauberberg. The Tauber Valley contributes the section from Tauberzell to Creglingen, the rest belongs to other growing regions. The predominant soil type is shell limestone. Well-known wine-growing communities with their individual vineyards:
By far the largest and most important area of Württembergisch Unterland is divided into the nine large vineyards Heuchelberg, Kirchenweinberg, Lindelberg, Salzberg, Schalkstein, Schozachtal, Stauffenberg, Stromberg and Wunnenstein. The vineyards are mainly located in the middle and lower Neckar valley, as well as being highly fragmented into many small areas east of the Neckar along the Bottwar, Murr and Schozach tributaries. The climatic conditions and soils are somewhat different in this area. The terraced vineyards on the banks of the river are characterised by shell limestone, those away from it by Keuper. Well-known wine-growing communities with their individual vineyards are:
The Remstal-Stuttgart area lies in the south-east of the wine-growing region. The vineyards are mainly located up to 400 metres above sea level in the Rems river valley. It is divided into five large vineyards: Hohenneuffen, Kopf, Sonnenbühl, Wartbühl and Weinsteige. There is a certain Riesling tradition in this somewhat cooler and rainier area. Well-known wine-growing communities with their individual vineyards are:
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Egon Mark
Diplom-Sommelier, Weinakademiker und Weinberater, Volders (Österreich)