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The red grape variety (breeding number Klosterneuburg 181-2 and Zweigeltrebe 181-2) is a new variety from Blauer Portugieser x Blaufränkisch, which was last confirmed by DNA analyses carried out in 2013. It should not be confused with the similarly named varieties Blauburgunder (synonym for Pinot Noir) or Rotburger (synonym for Zweigelt). The cross was made in 1923 by grower Fritz Zweigelt (who also created the Zweigelt variety named after him) at the Klosterneuburger Weinbauinstitut (Lower Austria). The variety was a crossing partner in the new Rathay variety.

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Egon Mark
Diplom-Sommelier, Weinakademiker und Weinberater, Volders (Österreich)

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