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Synonym for the grape variety Durif; see there.

The red grape variety originates from France. Synonyms are Bas Plant, Diurie, Dure, Duret, Dureza, Durif Noir, Gros Béclan, Gros Noir, Kék Durif, Mondet, Nerin, Pareux Noir, Petit Duret, Petite Serine, Petite Sirah, Petite Syrah, Petit Syrah, Pineau de l'Hermitage, Pineau de Romans, Pinot de l'Hermitage, Pinot de Romans, Pinot Fourcat, Plant Durif, Plant Fourchu, Portoka, Serine, Serine des Mauves, Sirane de Tain, Sirane Fourchue and Syrah Forchue. It must not be confused with the Béclan, Béquignol Noir, Dureza (Duret), Peloursin, Pinot No ir and Syrah varieties, despite seemingly suggestive synonyms or morphological similarities. The parentage could only be clarified at the end of the 1990s, whereby there was confusion for a long time also due to the different spellings Petite Sirah (with "i") or Petite Syrah (with "y"). Although the variety originated in France, the reason for the confusion is or was more than 100 years ago in California.

Durif - Weintraube und Blatt

In the 1860s, the French breeder François Durif experimented with various crosses in Tullins in the Isère department. In...

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The Wine lexicon helps me to keep up to date and refresh my knowledge. Thank you for this Lexicon that will never end in terms of topicality! That's what makes it so exciting to come back often.

Thorsten Rahn
Restaurantleiter, Sommelier, Weindozent und Autor; Dresden

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