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The Großlage (until 2018 it was called Georgenberg) is located in the 23rd district of Liesing in the southwest of Wien (Austria) in the cadastral municipalities of Kalksburg, Liesing, Mauer and Rodaun. Wine has been grown here since at least the late Middle Ages. The vineyards cover about 50 hectares of vineyards relatively widely scattered in four parts in the Himmel, Kadolzberg, Kroissberg, Leiten, Neuberg, Reisberg, Roth-Dürren, Sätzen, Sauberg and Zugberg vineyards.

Maurerberg - Karte

In contrast to the vineyards in the north of Vienna (in the two large vineyards Kahlenberg and Nußberg), the climate and the soils with good water storage capacity are similar to the comparatively mild Thermenregion. The typical white wine varieties of the Wiener Gemischter Satz as well as the red wine varieties Cabernet Sauvignon, St. Laurent and Zweigelt are cultivated. All of Maurer's winegrowers serve their wine in their own wine taverns, most of which are located in Maurer Lange Gasse. Well-known wineries are Michael Edlmoser, Wolfgang Hofer and Richard Zahel.

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Markus J. Eser

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Markus J. Eser
Weinakademiker und Herausgeber „Der Weinkalender“

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