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There are two grape varieties with this name:


The white grape variety is a new variety with unknown parents. The crossing took place in 1970 at the Meier vine nursery in Switzerland. The early to medium ripening red-berried vine is generally resistant to frost and fungal diseases, but is exceptionally susceptible to downy mildew. The variety, which is suitable for winepress and table grape, is cultivated in Aargau. In 2016, 0.4 hectares of vines were reported (Kym Anderson statistics).


The white grape variety (also Radmilovac Bocr) is an interspecific new variety between Muscat d'Hamburg x Villard Blanc. It contains genes from Vitis berlandieri, Vitis rupestris and Vitis vinifera. The hybrid was crossed in Serbia in 1996 by the breeder Dragan Nikolic. The berries have a muscat top. The vine is mainly used as table grape. No stocks were reported in 2016 (statistics Kym Anderson).

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Thomas Götz

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Thomas Götz
Weinberater, Weinblogger und Journalist; Schwendi

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