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northernmost vineyard

Possible candidates for the most northerly cultivated vines on the Earth's northern vine belt are the countries of Alaska, Finland, Latvia, Norway and Sweden. The wine-growing areas there lie from the 60th to the 62nd parallel. The northernmost vineyard in terms of quality viticulture is the Werderaner Wachtelberg in the German town of Werder (Brandenburg) at 52 degrees 23 minutes north latitude. There are even more northerly vineyards on the island of Sylt in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein at 54 degrees 54 minutes, owned by the Ress Balthasar winery, where, however, only country wine may be produced. Others are located in the southern province of Skåne near the Baltic Sea coast in Sweden, as well as the "Eventyrvin" vineyard near Gvarv in Norway. Due to climate change, it is expected that the wine-growing areas in the northern hemisphere will expand towards the pole in the next few decades. In Europe, Denmark, England, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden as well as Ukraine are candidates in this respect.

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Roman Horvath MW

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