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noble sweet

Term for the characteristic flavour of a sweet wine made from botrytised berries. However, the term has no legal meaning in wine law, as is the case with the sweet flavour. The wines have a typical honey and/or caramel flavour (brittle), which can also be slightly bitter due to the flavouring agent sotolone. The prerequisite for such wines are grapes with a high must weight of at least 110 °Oe or 22 °KMW and higher, which is usually the case with noble rotten berries.

Trockenbeerenauslese - getrocknete Beeren in der Hand / Weintraube am Stock

This must be achieved on the vine, not by drying the grapes afterwards, as is the case with a straw wine or what is known in Italy as passito. In general, grapes from which noble sweet wines are produced require a warm and dry late summer and a pronounced, long ripening period, which is why they are harvested late. Drying the grapes increases the sugar content in the grape.

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Thomas Götz

Serious sources on the internet are rare - and Wine lexicon from wein.plus is one such source. When researching for my articles, I regularly consult the wein.plus encyclopaedia. There I get reliable and detailed information.

Thomas Götz
Weinberater, Weinblogger und Journalist; Schwendi

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