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Hondarribi Beltza

The red grape variety originates from Spain. The name derives from the town of Hondarribia in the north-east of the Spanish Basque Country (País Vasco), beltza = black. Synonyms are Chacolí, Courbu Noir Faux, Cruchen Nègre, Hondarrabi Beltza, Kurixketu Beltza, Negra, Ondarrabi Beltza, Ondarribi Beltza, Txakoli, Txakoli Noir, Verde Matza and Xerratu Beltza. It should not be confused with the Cabernet Franc or Courbu Noir varieties, despite seemingly suggestive synonyms or morphological similarities. The Chacolí (Txakoli) variety, sometimes referred to as distinct, is identical.

Hondarribbiu Beltzu und Hondarribi Zuri

According to Wine Grapes, Hondarribi Beltza is not a mutation of the white variety Hondarribi Zuri (which in turn is not an independent variety, but a synonym for several varieties). According to DNA analyses carried out in 2009, there is a parent-offspring relationship between Hondarribi Beltza and Cabernet Franc (end of quote). However, according to the VIVC catalogue, the parentage is unknown. According to DNA analyses carried out in 2021, a presumably natural cross between Hondarribi Beltza x unknown father variety resulted in the variety Gros Cabernet (end of citation).

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Dr. Christa Hanten

For my many years of work as an editor with a wine and culinary focus, I always like to inform myself about special questions at Wine lexicon. Spontaneous reading and following links often leads to exciting discoveries in the wide world of wine.

Dr. Christa Hanten
Fachjournalistin, Lektorin und Verkosterin, Wien

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