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Harvest report

Due to national and EU wine law regulations, the vineyard area, the grape harvest and the wine production are subject to certain reporting obligations.

The rules in Germany: By 10 December of each year, the winegrower must report his area under vine, the harvest quantity by grape variety and origin(growing region) and the intended differentiation of Landwein, Qualitätsweine and Prädikatsweine to the competent authority on a form (see also under Quality System).

The rules in Austria: Every producer of grapes from which wine has been made has to submit a harvest and production declaration on a form to the competent municipality by the deadline of 30 November each year and by 15 December. The name and size of the plot of land, grape variety, must weight (KMW) and harvesting method must be stated. Producers of grapes, as well as winegrowers' cooperatives and wine trading companies must submit an annual inventory report (existing wine quantity) to the responsible municipality by 15 August, with a deadline of 31 July. The municipality has to forward the harvest and production reports as well as the stock reports immediately to the BKI (Bundeskellerei-Inspektion). The latter carries out a check on compliance with the maximum yields. Another prescribed register is the cellar book.

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Dominik Trick
Technischer Lehrer, staatl. geprüfter Sommelier, Hotelfachschule Heidelberg

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