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The bacterium Xylella fastidiosa causes the grapevine disease Pierce's disease; see there.

Pierce Disease (PD) is classified as one of the yellowing diseases. It first appeared in Southern California in 1880, where 20,000 hectares of vineyard were destroyed in just five years. It is also known as California Vine Disease, Mysterious Disease, or Anaham Disease (because it spread to Anaham in California). The US plant pathologist Newton B. Pierce (1856-1916) successfully researched the disease, which was named after him. Around 1940, the disease spread from California's Central Valley throughout the southern USA, Mexico, and Central America. In the USA, the entire southern belt from California in the west through Texas to Florida on the east coast is affected. A vine disease with similar symptoms but different pathogens is Flavescence dorée. The image on the left shows the typical symptom of a leaf of a white wine variety, while the image on the right shows the cicada species that transmits the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter. State of emergency in California In the late 1990s, the disease re-emerged. US Vice President Al Gore approved an emergency aid of $36 million in 2000 and declared an agricultural state of...

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Dr. Edgar Müller
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