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Malvasia de Banyalbufar

Synonym for the grape variety Malvasia di Lipari; see there.

The white grape variety originates from Italy. Synonyms grouped alphabetically by country are Grec Blanc, Malvoisie de Lipari (France); Balsamina Bianca, Graeco, Greco Bianco di Gerace, Greco del Vesuvio, Greco di Cosenza, Greco di Gerace, Greco di Cirò, Greco Maceratino, Malvagia, Malvasia de Banyalbufar, Malvasia delle Lipari, Malvasia di Bosa, Malvasia di Cagliari, Malvasia di Sardegna, Malvasia di Sardegna Aromatica, Malvasia di Ragusa, Montecchiese, Morbidella, Ragusano Bianco, Uva Cerreto, Uva Greca (Italy); Malvasia de la Palma, Malvasía de Tenerife, Malvasía Rosada (Canary Islands); Malvasija Dubrovačka, Malvazia Tvrda (Croatia); Malmsey, Malvasia Cândida (Madeira); Arinto, Arinto Cachudeo, Arinto Galego, Assario (Portugal); Cheres, Malvasía de Sitges, Verdal (Spain).

Malvasia di Lipari - Weintraube und Blatt

Descent & offspring

Despite seemingly suggestive synonyms or morphological similarities, it should not be confused with the varieties Greco, Greco Bianco, Malvasia Bianca di Candia, Malvasia Bianca di PiemonteMalvasia Bianca...

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Thomas Götz

Serious sources on the internet are rare - and Wine lexicon from wein.plus is one such source. When researching for my articles, I regularly consult the wein.plus encyclopaedia. There I get reliable and detailed information.

Thomas Götz
Weinberater, Weinblogger und Journalist; Schwendi

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