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Jacob's Grape

Synonym (also Jackobstraube, Jacobitraube, Jacobstraube, Jacobszoeloe, Jakobitraube, Jakubske, Jakubske Skore) for the grape variety Frühburgunder; see there.

The red grape variety originates from France. There are about 120 synonyms that indicate a great age. Some of them grouped alphabetically by country are Augustclevner, Augustklevner, Augustiner, Augusttraube, Blauer Augustiner, Blauer Frühburgunder, Frauentagtraube, Frauentraube, Frühblaue, Früher Blauer Burgunder, Frühschwarze, Jakobstraube, Juliustraube, Möhrchen, Schwarzer Frühzeitiger Burgunder (Germany u/o Austria); Jacobstraube (Alsace); Black Inly, Early Black Cluster, July Grape (England); Ischia, Madeleine Noir, Maurillon Hâtif, Morillon Noir Hâtif, Morillon Parisien, Petit Morillon Hâtif, Pinot Hâtif de Rilly, Pinot Madeleine, Pinot Noir Précoce, Pinot Précoce, Pinot Précoce Noir, Précoce Noir, Raisin de la Madeleine, Vigne d'Ischia (France); Luglienga Nera, Luviana Veronese, Maddalena Nera, Uva de Trivolte (Italy); Blauer Frühburgunder...

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Thomas Götz

Serious sources on the internet are rare - and Wine lexicon from wein.plus is one such source. When researching for my articles, I regularly consult the wein.plus encyclopaedia. There I get reliable and detailed information.

Thomas Götz
Weinberater, Weinblogger und Journalist; Schwendi

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