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Abbreviation for "Indicazione Geografica Tipica", the former name for a country wine valid in Italy. It was introduced in 1992 by the Italian Minister of Agriculture Giovanni Goria (1943-1994) as the "Goria Law", which was later to be known as the "Goria Law", and gained great popularity thanks to the Super Tuscan wines produced in this category. It was replaced by IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta) with the EU wine market regulation valid from August 2009. However, IGT may still be used as a "traditional indication" in Italy, which is also used by many producers.

A list of the IGT wine designations concerned is included with the Italian regions. The individual provisions are very similar and, in contrast to the quality wine provisions, very generous. The authorised grape varieties can be used more or less freely. Mostly the wine types Bianco, Rosso and Rosato, as well as grape variety wines (with a share of 85%) are produced. Many of these are available differently per IGT area, often also as Vendemmia tardiva(late harvest), Passito, Novello (for red wines), Vivace, Frizzante and Spumante. See also under quality system.

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