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Courbu Blanc

The white grape variety originates from France. Synonyms are Bordeleza Zuria, Chacolí Zuria, Cougnet, Courbeau, Courbi, Courbis Blanc, Courbu, Courbut, Courbut Blanc, Courtoisie, Hondarrabi Blanc, Hondarrabi Zerratia, Hondarrabi Zuri, Ondarabiya Zuriya, Ondaria Zuria, Ondarabbi Blanca, Ondarrabi Zuri, Ondarrubi Zurilla, Tocuri and Vieux Pacherenc. The parentage is unknown. The medium-maturing, high-yielding vine has extremely small berries. It is susceptible to Botrytis and both powdery mildews. The variety produces strong white wines with a lemon flavour. In the Basque Country (Spain), Hondarrabi Zuri (Hondarrabi Blanc, Hondarrabi Zerratia in Basque) is approved as the main variety in the DO area of Chacolí de Bizkaia. 624 hectares were registered under this name. In south-western France, Courbu Blanc is registered in the appellations of Béarn, Irouléguy, Jurançon and Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh. The area under cultivation here in 2016 was 32 hectares (Kym Anderson).

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