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Soil water cycle

See under water balance.

In the geosciences, the term water balance (hydrology) is used to describe the absorption and release of water in a larger geographical area, such as an ocean or a landscape. In the case of landscapes, surface water, evaporation, climate, precipitation and groundwater flows are taken into account. The water balance largely determines the ecosystems and the type of vegetation that can establish themselves in the landscape and the suitability for agricultural use.

Bodenwasserkreislauf - Graphik

Soil water cycle: 1 = Precipitation, 2 = evaporation, 3 = water runoff, 4 = vegetation, 5 = soil, 6 = Adhesive water, 7 = seepage water & settling water, 8 = Groundwater & backwater, 9 = impermeable layer, 10 = capillary rise, 11 = infiltration, 12 = unsaturated transport, 13 = saturated transport


In the context of a vineyard, water balance refers to the complex interaction between the uptake and release of water in the vines and the surrounding soil type. Similar to larger landscapes, various factors play a role, including surface water from rainfall or artificial irrigation, evaporation of water through the leaves of the vines, the microclimate of the vineyard, rainfall patterns and...

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