A branded red wine from the Austrian municipality of Neckenmarkt in the wine-growing region of Mittelburgenland, pressed from the Blaufränkisch variety. The custom of flag-waving, celebrated on the Sunday after the Feast of Corpus Christi, dates back to the Battle of Lackenbach in October 1620 between Nikolaus Count Esterházy (1583-1645) as a partisan of the Austrian ruling house of Habsburg and Hungarian and Bohemian rebels. When his castle was besieged by the rebels, the peasants of Neckenmarkt provided decisive help. In return, they received forest and farmland from Esterházy in 1622, as well as the privilege of marching out on ceremonial occasions under the imperial flag given to them by the prince. This flag is still waved by the Neckenmarkt boys every year on the Sunday after Corpus Christi. See also under wine-growing customs.
I have great respect for the scope and quality of the wein.plus encyclopaedia. It is a unique place to go for crisp, sound information on terms from the world of wine.
Dr. Edgar Müller
Dozent, Önologe und Weinbauberater, Bad Kreuznach