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The winery is located in the city of Würzburg (Maindreieck area) in the German wine-growing region of Franconia at the foot of the steep vineyard that gives it its name. It has been run in the fifth family generation since 1990 by Ludwig Knoll and his wife Sandra. A guesthouse is attached. The family-run "WeinWerk am Stein" organises tastings, presentations and seminars. Also worth seeing is the stone cellar, completed in 2015, which is dedicated to biodynamically inspired wine vinification in concrete eggs and amphorae. The "REISERS" restaurant (awarded one Michelin star and rated the best in Würzburg by Gault Millau ) has been leased to star chef Bernhard Reiser.

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Dr. Edgar Müller

I have great respect for the scope and quality of the wein.plus encyclopaedia. It is a unique place to go for crisp, sound information on terms from the world of wine.

Dr. Edgar Müller
Dozent, Önologe und Weinbauberater, Bad Kreuznach

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