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Reduction of the grapes as a quality-improving measure in the vineyard, also known as thinning, berry thinning, green pruning and green harvest, as well as the French vendange vert (green harvest) or éclaircissage. The reason for this is that high yields and high grape quality are mutually exclusive.

Positive effect

The removal of grapes increases the accumulation of various substances in the remaining grapes on the vine. The positive effects are an increase in extract substances, a higher must weight, optimisation of the leaf-fruit ratio, a higher colour intensity in red wines and better resistance to drought. Apart from the general increase in quality, a positive long-term effect can be achieved, especially with young vines, as these can develop much better.

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Sigi Hiss

There is a vast number of sources on the web where one can acquire knowledge about wine. But none has the scope, timeliness and accuracy of the information in the encyclopaedia at wein.plus. I use it regularly and rely on it.

Sigi Hiss
freier Autor und Weinberater (Fine, Vinum u.a.), Bad Krozingen

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