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Naouses Mavro

Synonym (also Naousses Mavro, Naoussis Mavro, Naoystiro Mavro) for the grape variety Xinomavro; see there.

The red grape variety originates from Greece. Synonyms are Black Naousa, Csinomavro, Mavro, Mavro Goumenissas, Mavro Naoussis, Mavro Naoustino, Mavro Xyno, Naouses Mavro, Naoussis Mavro, Naoustiano, Naoystiro Mavro, Negroska Popolka, Niaousa, Niasoustino, Pipoliko, Pipolka, Popoliko, Popolka, Xinogaltso, Xynomavro Bolgar, Xynomavron, Xynomavro Naoussis, Xynomavro of Náoussa, Zinomavro and Zynomavro. The synonym Naoussis Mavro and similar names (meaning "blacks from Naoussa") indicate the presumed origin in Macedonia.

Xinomavro - Weintraube und Blatt

A distinction is made between at least three varieties (clones), which differ...

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Thorsten Rahn
Restaurantleiter, Sommelier, Weindozent und Autor; Dresden

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