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The "Institut National de l'Origine et de la qualité" (National Institute for Origin and Quality) is a state institution in France based in Paris, which reports to the Ministry of Agriculture (the acronym is also interpreted as "Institut National des Appellations d'Origine des Vins et Eaux-de-Vie"). It is responsible for the supervision of food produced in the home country. To this end, standards have been developed that guarantee the origin and quality to the consumer through labelling. Wine, brandy(Armagnac and Cognac) and foodstuffs (cheese, meat, vegetables, etc.) are included in this quality assurance. This concerns the following labelling and quality classes:

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Andreas Essl

The glossary is a monumental achievement and one of the most important contributions to wine knowledge. Of all the encyclopaedias I use on the subject of wine, it is by far the most important. That was the case ten years ago and it hasn't changed since.

Andreas Essl
Autor, Modena

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