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The winery is located in the municipality of Geisenheim in the German wine-growing region of Rheingau. It was founded in 1994 by Jutta (née George) and Jürgen Wagenitz. The vineyards cover two hectares of vines in the single vineyard sites Berg Rottland, Bischofsberg and Drachenstein (Rüdesheim), as well as Mäuerchen and Mönchspfad (Geisenheim). They are mainly planted with Riesling, with some Pinot Noir in one parcel. Special attention is paid to optimal grape ripeness, selective hand harvesting and gentle processing of the grapes. The majority of the wines are vinified dry. In years with suitable weather conditions, there are also noble sweet specialities. Bottle-fermented sparkling wine is also produced.

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Dr. Edgar Müller

I have great respect for the scope and quality of the wein.plus encyclopaedia. It is a unique place to go for crisp, sound information on terms from the world of wine.

Dr. Edgar Müller
Dozent, Önologe und Weinbauberater, Bad Kreuznach

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