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The white grape variety originates from the Mediterranean region, possibly Italy. The name (French for gherkin) is derived from the elongated shape of the berries. There are around 120 synonyms that indicate its great age. Some are Bóton de Gallo, Cara de Vaca, Cornicciola, Cornichidu, Cornichon Blanco, Cornichon Fehér, Cornichon Serpovidnii, Cornichon White, Corniola Bianca, Dedo de Doncella, Acorn Grape, Finger Grape, Women's finger, Galoppa Bianca, Kornishon Belyi, Kornishon Cerpovidnyi, Lagrima di Madonna, Pergolese, Pizzutella, Pizzutello di Roma, Santa Paula, Teta de Vaca, Uva Cornetta, Uva Cornicella and Uva de Africa.

Cornichon Blanc - Weintraube und Blatt

It should not be confused with the Greek variety Kontegalo (with the synonym Cornichon Blanc). Its parentage is unknown. It was assigned to the Proles orientalis group by the Russian researcher Dr Alexander M. Negrul (1900-1971) in his classification of grape varieties. The variety can be used for pressing and table grape. It is cultivated in the Spanish region of Extremadura. In 2016, 0.5 hectares of vineyards were designated (Kym Anderson).

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Lothar Lindner

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