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The winery is located in Sauternes in the area of the same name (Bordeaux). Its origins lie in a wine estate called Château Lamothe d'Assault. Renamed Château Lamothe in 1814, the estate came into the possession of the Baptiste family. It was classified as Deuxième Grand Cru Classé in the 1855 Bordeaux Classification. Due to family conflicts, it was divided into several parts, but the two wine estates described below retained this status even after the division. One part was bought by Charles-Joseph Bergey. Armandt Bastit-Saint-Martin acquired this in 1958 and named it Château Lamothe. He sold part of it to the Despujols family in 1961, which marked the birth of Château Lamothe Despujols. The remaining part was now called Château Lamothe-Bergey, which went to the Guignard family in 1981 and was given its current name. The vineyards were subsequently replanted and renovated. Today, the estate is owned by Philippe and Jacques Guignard. The vineyards cover 17 hectares of vines with the varieties Sémillon (90%), Sauvignon Blanc (5%) and Muscadelle (5%). The long-lasting, noble sweet wine is matured for 15 months in barriques, 25% of which are new.

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