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Tischelmayer Norbert Norbert Franz Josef Tischelmayer was born in April 1945 during the last weeks of the war in Mühlbach am Manhartsberg in the Weinviertel(Lower Austria), surrounded by vineyards, so to speak. His father was employed for decades by a large winery, August Sutter in Hohenwarth. In his childhood he regularly helped with the grape harvests. At that time there were still the "Hiata-Hütt'n", where the "Hiata"(vineyard keepers) stayed two to three weeks before the harvest time and kept a strict watch that nobody touched the delicious grapes. For the boys it was a test of courage and a prerequisite for acceptance into the "Club of the Greats" to steal grapes despite the danger of being "caught". These were the first impulses to get involved with wine.

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Hans-Georg Schwarz

As honorary chairman of the Domäne Wachau, it is the easiest and quickest way for me to access the wein.plus encyclopaedia when I have questions. The certainty of receiving well-founded and up-to-date information here makes it an indispensable guide.

Hans-Georg Schwarz
Ehrenobmann der Domäne Wachau (Wachau)

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