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Mash fermentation

This fermentation technique is the oldest and still the most common method for making red wine. The grapes are usually destemmed first in order to separate them from the grape skins. The berries are crushed so that their juice can escape. In southern countries, stomping with bare feet is still used to gently break open the berries. This mixture of juice and pulp is called mash.


The question of pure or spontaneous fermentation plays a far less important role than with white wine, as far more naturally occurring vineyard yeasts enter the mash with the skins. This means that a good fermentation process (fully fermented) is also possible without any problems using natural yeasts. The current trend is to produce a dark red wine rich in colour with the most harmonious tannins possible.

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Egon Mark

For me, Lexicon from wein.plus is the most comprehensive and best source of information about wine currently available.

Egon Mark
Diplom-Sommelier, Weinakademiker und Weinberater, Volders (Österreich)

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