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Chemical method (also volumetry) of quantitative analysis for the quantitative determination of substances in a solution. The term is derived from the word "titre" for "fineness". There are various techniques. In wine, acid-base titration is used to determine the total quantity of titratable acids. This is the sum of the free acids present, with the exception of carbon dioxide. This makes use of the fact that an acidic and basic solution completely neutralise each other at a certain ratio.

Determining the acid concentration

The determination of the acid concentration using alkalis is called acidimetry, the determination of the concentration of bases with acids is called alkalimetry. The acids contained in wine are mainly tartaric acid and malic acid, as well as many other smaller quantities. These are chemically very similar. When analysing wine for the award of the official test number for quality wines, the total acidity is determined and shown as tartaric acid in g/l.

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Prof. Dr. Walter Kutscher
Lehrgangsleiter Sommelierausbildung WIFI-Wien

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