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Testing and evaluating food by tasting (eating or drinking). In professional wine tastings, this means a sensory (organoleptic) examination and qualitative evaluation of a wine carried out as objectively as possible according to precisely defined rules and criteria = wine evaluation, as well as a verbal description of the impressions of colour, smell and taste obtained in the process, using terms that are as standardised and generally understandable as possible = wine address.


The evaluation is carried out according to an identical points system for all tasters, the most common internationally are the 20-point and 100-point systems. The tasting takes place in a neutral, undisturbed environment in order to ensure the most objective judgement possible (picture left). Between wines, the taste buds should always be neutralised by eating crackers and drinking still water.

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Prof. Dr. Walter Kutscher

In the past, you needed a wealth of encyclopaedias and specialist literature to keep up to date in your vinophile professional life. Today, Wine lexicon from wein.plus is one of my best helpers and can rightly be called the "bible of wine knowledge".

Prof. Dr. Walter Kutscher
Lehrgangsleiter Sommelierausbildung WIFI-Wien

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