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Bangalore Blue

Synonym (also Bungalore Blue) for the grape variety Isabella; see there.

The red grape variety originates from the USA. The most important of the approximately 80 synonyms are Albany, Albany Surprise, Alexander, Americano, Amerikanska Loza, Pineapple, Ananaszoeloe, Arkansa Grape, Bangalore Blue, Bellina, Black Cape, Blue Isabella, Blue Isabelle, Bromostaphylo, Cap Grape, Cap Wine, Catalan Negro, Champania, Christie's Improved Isabella, Čimavica, Constantia, Constanzia Grape, Dorchester, Edes, Eperzamatu, Fragola, Fragola Crna, Framboisier, Fraula, Fraulaghju, Frutilla, Georgina, Gibb's Grape, Gros Framboisé, Gürcü Üzümü, Isabel, Isabella Blue, Isabella Nera, Isabelle, Isabelle d'Amerique, Isabellinha, Izabella, Kepshuna, Kerkyraiso, Kokulu Üzüm, Koreos, Lidia, Loipe Makedonia, Moschostaphylo, New Hanover, Nostrano, Odessa, Ontessa, Paign's Isabella, Paine's Early Sanborton, Payne's Early, Paynes Isabella, Raisin du Cap, Raisin Fraise, Raisin Framboise, Sainte Helene, Saluda, Sampanija, Sauborton, Schuykill, Schuylkill, Strawberry Grape, Tjortjidica, Tzampela, Tzortzidika, Tzortzidika Chalkidiki, Tzortzines, Utkopro, Uva Cimice, Uva Fragola, Uva Fraula, Vernet, Woodward and Zampela.

Isabella - Weintraube blau, Blatt, Weintraube violett

The vine was found in a garden near the (no longer existing) town of Dorchester in South Carolina. According to the opinion of one Bernard Laspeyre, it is said to have reached Charleston-South Carolina from Spain. It had long been suspected that it was a seedling of a wild vine...

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Serious sources on the internet are rare - and Wine lexicon from wein.plus is one such source. When researching for my articles, I regularly consult the wein.plus encyclopaedia. There I get reliable and detailed information.

Thomas Götz
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