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Synonym for the grape variety Cayetana Blanca; see there.

The white grape variety originates from Spain. There are around one hundred synonyms that indicate the high age and wide distribution of the vine. The most important ones, grouped alphabetically by countries, are Doradillo (Australia); Calagrano Blanc, Jean de Letur de Maratella, Malvasia, Malvoisie Espagnole (France); Djiniani (Morocco); Boal Carrasquenha, Boal Carrasquenho, Carrasquenho, Mourisco Branco, Mourisco Portalegre, Sarigo (Portugal);

Amor Blanco, Aujubi, Avesso du Minho, Baladi, Baladi-Verdejo, Balay, Belledy, Blanca Cayetana, Blanco Jaén, Cagazal, Cazagal, Calagrano, Cayetana, Charello, Charelo, Chaselo, Cheres, Cirial, Dedo, Dedro, Esclafacherri, Farta Gosos, Garillo, Garrida, Garrido, Garriga, Garrilla, Hoja Vuelta, Jaén, Jaén Blanco, Jaén Doradillo, Jaén Empinadillo, Jaén Prieto Blanco, Jaenes, Jainas, Jarime, Jean de Castilla, Jean de Letur, Jean de Letur de Maratella, Jean Doradillo, Jean Dore, Jean Prieto, Machuenco, Maizancho, Mariouti, Marisanchas, Marisancho, Morisca, Morisco, Mourisco Arsello, Naves, Naves Cazagal, Neruca, Padero, Parda, Pardina, Pirulé, Pirulet, Plateadillo, Robal Tierra de Barros...

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Hans-Georg Schwarz
Ehrenobmann der Domäne Wachau (Wachau)

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