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The literature about wine and viticulture is at least as diverse and extensive as the wines of this world. Even in the Old Testament of the Bible and in older works, wine is a central theme and is often mentioned. Viticulture and wine culture at a professional level existed at least 6,000 to perhaps 8,000 years ago in the Ancient Wines. The origin of the cultivated grapevine or viticulture lies in the Fertile Crescent Mesopotamia, in Transcaucasia (Georgia) and in Southeast Anatolia in Turkey. Even then, wine was already being written about, but this cannot yet be called wine literature. The oldest witness of Greek wine culture is Homer, who in his works Iliad and Odyssey around 730 BC poetically reports on viticulture and wine enjoyment.

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Prof. Dr. Walter Kutscher

In the past, you needed a wealth of encyclopaedias and specialist literature to keep up to date in your vinophile professional life. Today, Wine lexicon from wein.plus is one of my best helpers and can rightly be called the "bible of wine knowledge".

Prof. Dr. Walter Kutscher
Lehrgangsleiter Sommelierausbildung WIFI-Wien

The world's largest Lexicon of wine terms.

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