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Saint Laurentius of Rome is the most famous bearer of the name Laurentius. He was born in Spain and died a martyr's death in 258. He was one of the seven deacons in the city of Rome, i.e. responsible for the finances and social work of the Church of Rome. According to tradition, when the Roman bishop Sixtus II was arrested and beheaded under the persecutor of Christians, Emperor Valerian (200-260), his deacon Laurentius was distraught that he was not deemed worthy to share this death. Sixtus comforted him with the promise that he would follow him in three days and commissioned him to distribute the church treasury to the suffering and poor. Emperor Valerian laid claim to these treasures. He asked for three days to think it over and during this time he distributed die Güter. The enraged Valerian had Laurentius tortured and finally ordered him to be slowly martyred to death over a fire on a grate. Even in this terrible torture, he kept his sense of humour and teased the executioner to turn him over on the fire, because the roast was already cooked on one side.

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Thomas Götz

Serious sources on the internet are rare - and Wine lexicon from wein.plus is one such source. When researching for my articles, I regularly consult the wein.plus encyclopaedia. There I get reliable and detailed information.

Thomas Götz
Weinberater, Weinblogger und Journalist; Schwendi

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