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Abbreviation for "Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin" (Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences) the largest wine research centre in the world. Founded in Bordeaux in 2007, it is made up of 15 institutes, previously spread across the four universities of Bordeaux and other research centres. The centre, which covers more than 9,000 square metres, represents an investment of 21 million euros, some of which came from EU funds. Around 400 students are to be trained annually as Diplôme National d'Oenologue (DNO = qualified oenologist). Over one hundred scientists carry out applied and basic research. The research focuses range from improving breeding practice to developing the cultural aspects of wine. Another important teaching institution in France is the viticulture department of the "École Nationale Supérieur Agronomique" as a branch of the University of Montpellier. See also under Viticulture Institutions.

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Thorsten Rahn

The Wine lexicon helps me to keep up to date and refresh my knowledge. Thank you for this Lexicon that will never end in terms of topicality! That's what makes it so exciting to come back often.

Thorsten Rahn
Restaurantleiter, Sommelier, Weindozent und Autor; Dresden

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