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Regarding the production of alkoholische Getränke see under Champagner (sparkling wines), Destillation (distillates), Spirituose (types), Weinbereitung (wines and wine types) and Weingesetz (wine legal matters). All work and tools in the vineyard during the Vegetationszyklus are listed under Weingartenpflege. .

The wooden barrel is among the oldest wine containers alongside the clay amphora. The Greek historian Herodotus (482-425 BC) mentioned those made of palm wood, in which wine was transported to Babylon. The Celts began using wooden barrels on a larger scale for wine transport around 600 BC. The skill of barrel making was adopted by the Romans following Julius Caesar's conquest of Gaul (100-44 BC) around 50 BC. They primarily used fir wood. Remains of wooden barrels (Cupas) have been found in Pompeii, for example. Today, oak wood from French or American oaks is predominantly used for making wine barrels, but acacia and chestnut are also very popular. Based on shape, barrels are classified as round barrels (most common form), drum barrels (shorter than the belly diameter), and oval barrels (taller than wide). Wooden barrels are primarily used for the storage and transport of wines, but they are also used in barrel fermentation. They are also an ideal aging container for high-quality wines that require a slow oxygen supply through the breathing wood during barrel aging or cask aging.

The six factors for Weinqualität are Klima (micro-, macro-, meso-, topoclimate), Rebsorte (regarding climate, soil type), Soil typeBodentyp (Wasserhaushalt, mineralisch, Terroir), Topographie (Seehöhe, Hanglage, proximity to water, Exposition), Jahrgang (Witterung during the Vegetationszyklus) and the Vinifikation (hand of the winemaker).

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Dr. Edgar Müller
Dozent, Önologe und Weinbauberater, Bad Kreuznach

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