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UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is one of the legally independent specialised agencies of the United Nations with headquarters in Paris. Some wine-growing regions or certain products have been declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

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Thomas Götz

Serious sources on the internet are rare - and Wine lexicon from wein.plus is one such source. When researching for my articles, I regularly consult the wein.plus encyclopaedia. There I get reliable and detailed information.

Thomas Götz
Weinberater, Weinblogger und Journalist; Schwendi

The world's largest Lexicon of wine terms.

26,505 Keywords · 47,056 Synonyms · 5,318 Translations · 31,838 Pronunciations · 219,442 Cross-references
made with by our author Norbert F. J. Tischelmayer. About the Lexicon