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Priewe Jens

Born in Schleswig-Holstein in 1947, German wine author and taster Jens Priewe studied economic history, linguistics and philosophy. In 1987 his first book "Italy's Great Wines" was published. Others are "Wine, the small school", "Piedmont, the guide for connoisseurs and connoisseurs", "Wine, the new big school" (with numerous editions) and "Wine - The New World". His current reports and wine reportages appear regularly in culinary magazines. In 2012 he was awarded the Steinfeder Prize.

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Andreas Essl

The glossary is a monumental achievement and one of the most important contributions to wine knowledge. Of all the encyclopaedias I use on the subject of wine, it is by far the most important. That was the case ten years ago and it hasn't changed since.

Andreas Essl
Autor, Modena

The world's largest Lexicon of wine terms.

26,461 Keywords · 47,032 Synonyms · 5,321 Translations · 31,794 Pronunciations · 211,847 Cross-references
made with by our author Norbert F. J. Tischelmayer. About the Lexicon