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Term (also Findling) for the natural fertilization of plant flowers, in English "open pollinated" (abbreviated O.P.). The stigmas of the flowers are fertilized "openly", meaning naturally through wind, insects, or self-pollination (without artificial help from humans). When the grape seeds are later sown, new offspring arise, whose pollen donors (father variety) are not known a priori. Through insects or wind, a cross-pollination with pollen from other varieties in the vicinity may have occurred, but also self-pollination (self-fertilization). The father variety can only be suspected.

Difference to intentional crossing

Open pollinated stands in contrast to intentional crossing in new breeding, for which carefully selected mother varieties and father varieties are used and self-pollination or self-fertilization is previously prevented by castration of the flowers (see also flower and breeding). Actually, all grape varieties that have arisen without human influence through natural crossbreeding are to be considered open pollinated in a figurative sense.

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Thomas Götz

Serious sources on the internet are rare - and Wine lexicon from wein.plus is one such source. When researching for my articles, I regularly consult the wein.plus encyclopaedia. There I get reliable and detailed information.

Thomas Götz
Weinberater, Weinblogger und Journalist; Schwendi

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