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Process of increasing international interdependence in the areas of economics, politics, culture, environment and communication. This intensification of global relations is taking place at the level of individuals, societies, institutions and states. The main causes are technical progress, particularly in communication and transport technologies, as well as political decisions to liberalise world trade.

Impact on viticulture

Viticulture is also affected by globalisation and has brought about major changes. Above all, globalisation is manifested in the cross-border and cross-continental mergers of wine trading and wine production companies, which have taken over many wineries and vineyards in the course of their expansion. This led to the emergence of huge global corporations, particularly from the mid-1980s onwards.

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Dominik Trick

The wein.plus encyclopaedia is a comprehensive, well-researched reference work. Available anytime and anywhere, it has become an indispensable part of teaching, used by students and myself alike. Highly recommended!

Dominik Trick
Technischer Lehrer, staatl. geprüfter Sommelier, Hotelfachschule Heidelberg

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