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International designation (also ebulliometer) for the Malligand device; see there.

Measuring instrument (ebullioscope, ebulliometer) for determining the alcohol content in alcoholic liquids. The first ebullioscopes were developed by Émile Hilaire Amagat, François Marie Raoult, Brossard-Vidal, E. Malligand and Tabarié. Ebullioscopy is the determination of the molecular weight of a liquid from the molecular increase in boiling point. The principle of alcohol determination by means of ebullioscopy is based on the fact that the boiling point of wine decreases with increasing alcohol content. The alcohol type ethanol has a lower boiling point of 78 °C than water. The lower the boiling point...

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The glossary is a monumental achievement and one of the most important contributions to wine knowledge. Of all the encyclopaedias I use on the subject of wine, it is by far the most important. That was the case ten years ago and it hasn't changed since.

Andreas Essl
Autor, Modena

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