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The Dubourdieu family, steeped in tradition, has been growing wine in Bordeaux in the current AOC area of Cérons since 1794. Georges Dubourdieu acquired the Château Doisy-Daëne vineyard (Barsac, Sauternes) in 1924. In 1962, his son Pierre Dubourdieu (* 1923) produced the first dry white wine in Sauternes in the style that is common today. Until then, only sweet wines of simple quality were common. Since 2000, the family business "Denis Dubourdieu Domaines" has been run by Denis Dubourdieu (*1949) and his wife Florence, supported by their sons Fabrice and Jean-Jacques.

The estate now comprises the four wine estates Château Doisy-Daëne with a second wine Château Cantegril (Barsac), Château Haura (Cérons, Graves), Château Reynon (Cadillac) and Clos Floridene (Graves). The 135 hectares of vineyards are cultivated according to ecological rules and certified ISO standards 9000 (quality) and 14001 (environment). Around 600,000 bottles of wine are produced each year; around 60% of this is exported to 40 countries on all continents.

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Markus J. Eser

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Markus J. Eser
Weinakademiker und Herausgeber „Der Weinkalender“

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